Friday, January 14, 2011

The Fat Kid

My daughter and I went through a bullying situation last year. Some kids can be really cruel. I guess it can happen to anybody. When it happened to my daughter, it stirred up some painful feelings inside me that I had hidden deep down inside underneath all my fat.

I didn't just become fat overnight. I have been overweight my whole life. When I was in school, I was the perfect target for the bullies. I went through hell and back with the kids in my school. I went through name calling, pen metal being rubbed on the desk and then put on my skin (burned me), and pig pictures put in my locker. You name it, I probably had it done to me. I can't help but think this part of my life molded me into a very insecure person (this wasn't the only thing that molded me but a part of it). I can remember going home some days and just crying my eyes out because I felt so alone. I was the type of person who just took it. I didn't go tell the teachers or tell my Dad. I just let it go. Inside I hurt! It was a hard time in my life.

As the years went on, I was less of a target and was a bit more accepted for being who I was. I ended up leaving high school with some wonderful friends that I still have today.

I do not hold what I went through against the kids who did this to me so many years ago. As I stated early, "Kids can be really cruel." I have taken the negative and tried to turn it into a positive. I have shared this story with all 3 of my children. I have tried to teach them not to put labels on anyone and to give each person a chance. It doesn't matter what any of us look like, it's what we have inside that matters. I was grateful the day my daughter came to me to tell me that she was being bullied. We faced it head on and it got straightened out immediately.

My point to this blog was not to put the "oh poor me" story out there. It was to share an awful story with hopes that someone reading this will share this story with their child and teach them that bullying is wrong. It can affect a person for many, many years. Also, if a child is being bullied, I hope this story will let them know it is 100% okay to tell someone. Do NOT hold it in. It will tear up your insides. Ask for help!

Until next time.....


1 comment:

  1. I was bullied in middle school a lot.It's no fun when people you don't even know call you moose because they think it's funny.My daughter who is 5 is big for her age and other kids think they can hit and be mean to her because I've taught her not to hit.
