Wednesday, January 23, 2013

It's Official

After much soul searching, I took my $500 entrance fee down to my gastric bypass surgeon. That fee begins my surgery journey. I was given a book that explains the journey in great detail. There are many steps I have to accomplish before my insurance company will approve me for the surgery. The book helps to outline all of the steps. I will be able to stay on task that way.

One of my first steps is to meet with a Nutritionist. She is going to evaluate my eating habits (oh boy!) and try and get me moving in the right direction. I meet with her in a couple days. I will have to meet with her, at least once a month for the next six months. I can still use her services after the surgery if I am still needing help with my meal planning.

I also have to have a psych. evaluation in a few days. She is going to decide whether I am ready to have the surgery or not. Some individuals go into the surgery thinking it is going to be a cure for all the problems that are in their lives. For example, some believe if they have this surgery, they will be able to save their marriage. You have to go in knowing the surgery is just a tool to help you become healthier. I do believe I am going to need therapy through out my journey. I have many years of dysfunction. Change is not going to just happen over night for me.

I am on my way to a healthy life. It is going to be a slow process. I will try my hardest to keep blogging my journey. I want to be able to share it all with you.



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